Thursday, August 7, 2008

ZEROTH DAY Anxiety,Anticipation,Aspiration,Hope,Restlessness are some of the words in the language of english which would describe the first day of our college life. In fact, i would call it "zeroth day" (the day before college starts). It was half past twelve when i arrived at the Ist year mens hostel.The students had to register in order to be alloted a room. mahesh(deputy warden of hostel) was present and incharge of the adverse job.Parents and students engulfed him in a thick envelope minimising his chances of getting fresh air to breathe.I had a feeling his suffocation was the reason behind his grumpy attitude.I went towards him and gave my register no and the reciepts which were the ingredients for registration.He gave me a hard glare and analysed me head to toe. he then gave me a firing for the fact that i was not dressed in formals.I had heard that engineering colleges were strict but this had taken it to grater heights.This was followed by a 10 minute nonsensical lecture on college ethics which went into my brains recycle bin(brain functions like a computer).Finally,i was alloted room no 218.I did a simple mathamatical addition of the three numbers to get 2 which was nowhere near to 9(my lucky no). i performed a few mathematical calculations to get 9 and then proceeded.entering the hostel was a new experience. the scene at the hostel was utter pandemonium(pandemonium itself means utter confusion). the hostel looked more like an apartment in west mambalam than a Ist year hostel.parents were scampering across with luggage,buckets and other utilities.i entered the room which was already occupied by two other boys, Vinay and Rahul. rahul was a bay of a slight frame and looked a shy person. vinay was 6 feet tall. lean but athletic build looked more like a guy studying in an arts college. his colored hair made my view stronger. after our respective parents left, we had no other option but to stay in the room. It was a strange experience where 3 strangers wre stuck in a room not having anything to speak. i shared a few conversations with Vinay which we chose to do it in english. Apparently, rahul had been intimidated by us.We didnt realise that speaking english in a low profile town was a sin.At this point of time, two other persons made an entry.Mukund(an extrovert) who was a chatterbox(still is)made an entry reminiscent of the comedian VIVEK. We were having a small chat when a burly guy appeared from behind.Aravind was a gentle giant. His tiny eyes were innocent(which i would soon find out that is'nt). i offered him a biscuit which he gleefully accepted. It was a rather "filmy" introduction between us. we went to bed early that night realising we had to wake up in time for D-day. we had already planned our weekend by goin for latest movie. the flick that had hit the theatre recently had an apt title for us considering the dawn of our college life. It was named NEW
12:53:00 AM
by venkatesh
1 – 2 of 2


shivaprasad said...
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shivaprasad said...

It feels great to know you have started blogging. You were, perhaps the last person I ever thought would start to blog. Simply because, it took five months for you accept my orkut invitation, thanks to your very busy schedule. Anyways, a very good and a refreshing first attempt, I must say. The choice of the theme and the ending were to my penchant. I enjoyed the descriptions of characters! But, I would have preferred it to be little more formal, not the content but the presentation. I suggest you to use MS word for writing, then copy-paste it to your blog. Only when you use it you will understand, how powerful a tool that is for writing. I also don’t understand why you needed a pen name when all the other characters aren’t fictitious and you being an integral part of the story and this being your blog!

I suggest you to do a few things in your next entry (if you wish)
1. Use paragraphs
2. Don’t underestimate the readers by giving meanings to the words, even if you use it in a bizarre context. Because, half the exquisiteness of reading exists in understanding the author’s mind in his usage of language (at least for me).

I can see you have a good original style of writing, work on your presentation and understand this is only your FIRST DRAFT. Editing is as important to writing as it is to a film. Work on it and am eagerly waiting for your next blog.

arvind said...

hehe great work da sanjay. First i would like to appreciate on writing blogs da. It refreshes our past when we come across this . Hey mention everything in your blog da ( all the gud and bad things that happened in this 4 years ). U hav brought sastra in front of me . can feel those days ( he he biscuit intro super da )..... one kind request da don compare mukund wit vivek and all..... all the best go ahead waitn for the next part to be relesead.... he he

venkatesan said...


machi weighta kamichte...' a typical sanjay humour' im nt a critique like shiva prasad and i dont have any rights to comment on urs as im far behind in writing abilties compard 2 u.... hey this comment is a token of appreciation, for wat u did... keep it up... for ur kind information u ve inspired me 2 post ma blogs, watch out!!!!! " ma us experience" it il b released soon...

Insomniac said...

A good work da sanjay. It is difficult to present things as writings which one has experienced practically. Take ur presentation to such a way that even a guy with poor knowledge of eng(like me) can understand. I think we guys will also be included in ur presentation. Putting ur experince in a nutshell of words is marking ur presence d also make others to feel abt the incidents of their daus in college. Very eager to read ur next blog

Bharath said...

hey sanjay i never knew you could write so much about our college first day.none would have even thought of things that have struck your just make me feel for the things that i have missed to have noticed.but when i read your blog it refreshes about many incidents that still remain fresgh in my mind.
and mac ....your English far too good..(to understand!!!)just kidding!!

mukundnarayan said...

i like ur keyboard is mighty thing a lot da........n its grt tht ya writing abt our coll moments da.......hope v wer in harry potter era n all nice lines but machan ya seem like tryin 2 put in a lotta "hi-fi" words which is like a show off thing bcoz the simpler the words the better the effect.....(from what i know....which is too much accordin 2 those PV ppl n thadi.....)so make it simpler so tht a common man like me can follow it...... but i loved it it some 5 times.....

sarvo said...

dae macha gr8 work da...but enaku t-kadai mr.gandhi,kalyan madri pasangaluku puriyara madre present in simple eng da...jus kiddin go ahead..machi...

arun said...

superb da.gr8 work.i think i am the last person to read this blog in our gang.your way of narrating is superb is easy for me to visualise all the things,since we were not together at that time.i am eagerly waiting for our blasting detonators blog da.

Vathsa said...

Dude I am not that much of a blogger or a reader of blogs. But it is not as though you are new to it. Though ppl like Shiva can point out areas of improvement personally an outstanding one. Off to a flyer!!! Really made me go into my past to drill memories of balli and pannivayan out :) Awesome one. Too bad didnt get to read it when it was "hot".