Monday, August 11, 2008


It is great to know that a few guys had the patience and time to read my blog.I was elated with the response I got to my first venture in the world of blogs. I guess this is what "happiness" is all about. I was also flattered and surprised by the comments I received as I clearly know that my friends are not a bunch of sychophants. I think the entire strength of my friends lies in the fact that they are straightforward and fearless, Having said that they can also be blunt at times. Diplomacy is a word which probably won’t feature in any of my friend’s dictionary. I was glad that shiva had some tips for me which he put it across in a very subtle manner. It clearly showed that he was’nt jus praising me for the sake of it. I also realise that I am a writer in my jurrasic age and I have to take constructive criticism in the right spirit..
The entire blogging process was an aftermath of my loneliness and an idle mind. The pain and frustration got to me, and at some point of time I had to give vent to my feelings. It is deeply heartening to find that aditya is planning to blog and I am sure that almost everyone will be a part of this wonderful invention soon. I guess we have to reconcile ourselves to the bitter fact that there won't be instances in our life where we all gather at the same place. No doubt,there will be times where we will meet some of our mates but it makes a world of difference when we meet all of them.
I think the blogging will rejuvenate our memories and the least we can do is create an atmosphere similar to AV 351. I won’t be foolishly romantic and say " how I wish I had a time machine", it is a cliched statement and I am not a person who lives in a "harry potter" world . I really wish that we had same interests which would have eventually placed us at same locations. However, I realise that it is this diversity which makes our group special. My first stint in blogging was a real good experience and I wish to share lot more nostalgic memories with my friends !!! I also hope that I can get a few "girl" fans through this(I know I hoping against hope). They say that "the pen is mightier than the sword", but in today’s world of all techie revolution, it would be appropriate for me to say " the keyboard is…….


arvind said...

u can quote sum more funny incidents that have taken place ..... for eg our munnar trip..... i know u will love to write on that da..... ur style of presentin the article is great da.... so keep on writing and continue this gud work machan... god bless u ....

devilswork said...
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devilswork said...

AWESOME is the word and the work. Too good man!!! Sorry that i am acknowledging late...but i read now only...its seriously terrific...not only the blogs...your english is fantastic n i am sure its going to take you places. Dude i loved the blogs...old memories kindled...good work...keep it up!!

shivaprasad said...

girl fans!!!! :)..not a big deal machi... u need to be more melodramatic with ur writing... thats it!!!! and thanks for the praise again... i like the way u choose ur premise for ur posts!! do inform me when u publish ur next post!!!!

Vathsa said...

One thing which I need to appreciate is on how you choose what to write and what not to. This topic you can clearly go on for on n on. N dont mind the comments on your usage of extravagant words. Keep blogging. CHEERS!!