Friday, August 15, 2008


No other week in my college life could have been as breathtakingly boisterous and exhilaratingly eventful as the 3rd week of the 3rd month in my 3rd year. Students went through such an emotional rollercoaster ride that even disneyland would have failed to give it’s visitors. Euphoria to exasperation, fulfilled dreams to ones shattered, hearty celebrations to heartbreaking dejections, it had it all. Any aspiring "soap" maker would have made 200 episodes and bagged an award for it. It was one of those weeks which will be etched in the memories of all the students regardless of consequences. It was the week of campus recruitments and the "software giants" were in town for sapping the "available talent" in university.
Surely , it was one of the most crucial phase of my life considering the fact that I was’nt planning for my masters in the near future and was aware of colossal competence in the outside world. I also didn’t have any influential backup which some students have the privilege of. The whole thought of the "campus placement" gave me a chill through the spine as I was a bit skeptical about my performance in the big stage.
The much awaited day arrived and to be frank, it was like any other day where we had to be ready early( wait a minute! Did I say early? It clearly was the second time in our college life we got up early….). Students were all geared up and ready for the challenge ahead. The recruitment process of the first giant was triggered with the pre-placement talk which is the traditional kick-off to the interviews.
The whole PPT stuff is all about "blowing your own trumpet" and the companies just can’t stop giving pats on their own back.Having said that, i know the importance of brand building and it is true that the entire program gives you good feel and a sense of belonging with the firm. I am damn sure that each and every student present in the audi would have already imagined themselves as sofware professionals. The entire process was of 3 days(3 seems to be a significant number in this blog) duration and was a touch long taking into account the physical and mental demands of it.
I won’t go into the entire details of the interview but there were certain highlights and moments which I can never forget in my life. Aravind’s alleged catastrophe in the aptitude test was really hilarious and holds testimony for the fact that he is the most carefree and happy-go-lucky guy I have ever seen(some friends say it is me….) the epic interview of simbu(chidambaram) where the interviewer would have heaved a sigh a relief at the end is still fresh in my memories.
As always, it was a walk in the park for vinay and I have never seen this guy break a sweat in anything he does.(touch wood!!) . shiva played with fire by asking some awkward questions to the interviewer and I thought it was unnecessary taking in the fact his technical prowess in the field of IT. The chechi interview was a laugh riot where he was made "afghanistan" by the interviewer’s bombardment of questions.My interview was’nt the best by any means and I had the feeling that I was so near yet so far, But still a shadow of doubt crept in me. But for me, the guy who stole the show was mukund. The person who was written off by most, performed exceedingly well and his presence of mind and quick wit attracted many persons even before the results. The toughest part of the entire interview day is the "waiting for results" part. It is like watching a tortoise strolling in a marathon in slow motion. I was waiting with bated breath and I bet most of them were……


Insomniac said...

As u said at that tme we were moving to the next part of life d everyone was geared up d we (the prefinal yrs) roamed with the apti books creating a situation that even we failed to do during our sem exams. The result we showed is still in my mind da. i should thank u for reminding the things again

shivaprasad said...

nice post man!!! really nice... must say the best of the three so far! liked the narrative!! i jus have an idea man!!!

lets have another common blog... lets have all of our individual versions in that....on placement...or whatever!!! don't really know if this ll work out... but it is definitely worth a try...!!!